Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Let the planting begin

Well everything is now working, Co2 injection etc. I am still having trouble getting rid of the Laterite haze in the tank but I thought it is time I started planting. I managed to get my hands on some HC (Hemianthus Callitrichoides) which is hard to come by in Australia. I pick that up today, Very excited. I will get some new photo's up soon.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Joys of Fish Tanks

Well today I broke the under gravel filter on my other tank, so I have spent the last couple of hours striping the tank and transferring all the fish, plants and drift wood to my new tank so that I can fix it. What a nightmare.

This is my round tank, it is just over 2.5ft deep so it is a bugger to get to the bottom of. But it does look great when it is a set-up.

As you can see all the stuff from my round tank is now in here, looks a mess. You will also be able to see that I still have not been able to get rid of the bloody laterite I mixed up a few weeks ago.

I thought I would add some images of the toys I have put on my main tank.
(Co2 Regulator, Co2 Reactor and UV Sterilizer)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Water changes

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh, well after over 80% water changes every day for the last 10 days the tank is starting to clear up, I can finally see the back ground, sorry Melbourne I know we are on water restrictions. Amazingly all the cichlids I put in to cycle the tank have survived the ordeal.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Problem 1 & 2

After getting everything set-up and all the gadgetry installed, I thought I would throw in some Cichlids from the shop to get the tank to start cycling before I add my Discus and plant it. So this leads me to problem one.... After acclimatising the fish I poured them into the tank and managed to stir up the gravel to much and made the tank look more like a chocolate milk shake than a aquarium, sadly because I added Laterite to the gravel for fertilization this is going to be a nightmare to get rid of.

Problem Two, My PH/ORP meter does not work. I have sent it back and we will see what happens.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Starting a new tank

Back at the start of September I decided it would be a great idea to get another fish tank, by the start of October I finally got my 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank delivered, I decided to go a high tech tank this time just for something different, (Much to my wife's dismay). So here is what I got in the end

3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank with sump
Rubber 3D back ground
60kg of Gravel (mixed with Laterite for fertilizer)
Hydor Under gravel heater
AquaMedic 1000 Co2 Reactor
PH/ORP Monitor with Co2 dosing
UV Sterilizer
Awesome piece of drift wood with a hollow all the way through